Sunday, September 7, 2014

Let's Hike!

Above it All

When you love to eat as much as we do, physical activity is a MUST!  We have always been hikers and backpackers.  We grew up in Utah where the Wasatch Front has incredible hiking and camping opportunities.  We, then, moved to the Pacific Northwest where the weather makes year round hiking and camping possible.  Our boys grew up in the out of doors.  Doug and Justin have climbed Mount Ranier twice and Doug climbed Mt. Saint Helen's this summer.  Justin is planning a Mt. Kilmanjaro summit this December.

New Haven is not known for its big mountains.  However, it does have some beautiful "rocks" to climb.  Josh and Monica led us on a walk to East Rock.  We had a lovely walk through the quaint neighborhoods of New Haven.  Each neighborhood has its own small grocery store and wine store.  Residents don't need to get in a car in order to pick up a few small necessities.  Walking to the store is not only easy but one of the ways in which neighbors commune.

East Rock Park provides several ways of getting to the top.  It is accessible by car.  But, our choice is to walk.  You can take the route which winds around the hill - making it a slow ascent - or you can take the stairs and go straight up!  Guess which route the Gaileys took!  Straight up!  Jolene had knee surgery in June, so this was one of the first tests of the knee and her physical therapy!  Success!

The view is incredible.  You can see all over New Haven.  Being from the Pacific Northwest, we sometimes think that we have the most trees!  Well, remember, this is New England and the deciduous trees abound.

Photo from Wikipedia

At the top of East Rock is a beautiful statue.  It honors the residents of New Haven who gave their lives in the Revolutionary War, The War of 1812, The Mexican War and the Civil War.

Sleeping Giant State Park

The next day, we drove 8 miles out of New Haven to the Sleeping Giant State Park.  This is the site of Mt. Carmel.  It is located in Hamden.

This is a picturesque mountain which has 2 miles of mountaintop which resembles a man lying in repose - a sleeping giant.  We took the scenic 1 1/2 mile trek up the mountain to the stone observation tower.  The tower is hidden behind lush greenery - you just happen upon it suddenly.  The observation tower grants 360 degree views.

This is a popular recreation area which has over 30 miles of hiking trails including 5 miles of the 23 mile Quinnipiac Trail.  Quinnipiac University is also in the city of Hamden.  Views from the observation tower are quite spectacular.  This is a perfect place to view Hamden and New Haven and their geological formations.

Our musical pairing comes from Fleet Foxes.  We were listening to this music while we were staying at Josh's apartment.  This will always remind us of our time in New Haven.

Next post:  We will take you to Boston where we will go on the freedom trail and eat $1.00 oysters with Monica!!!

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